Just Think About It! 5 Thought-Provoking Quotes to Power Up Your Week

As ISHAN SINGH gears up for the week ahead, he gathers nuggets of wisdom from these five quotations, hoping to draw both insights and inspiration from what famous people once said about universal issues.




It’s important to enjoy the safety of one’s comfort zone every now and then, but to become overly familiar with it can be a peril of its own. The convenience of comfort often comes at the sacrifice of growth. In order to broaden our horizons, we must be willing to step outside these boundaries and open ourselves up to new ideas and perspectives.



Presence of mind is an undervalued resource we could all spend a little more time developing. Everyday we step into a world full of forces beyond our control and there can be times when it feels like the universe is plotting against us. But it's important to realise—especially in such moments—that external circumstances only hold as much power over our state of mind as we give them permission to. 



How often have you read about someone else’s achievements and thought, “Oh, I could’ve done that, no problem!” Everything seems easier to do as a bystander and this kind of thinking allows us discredit others’ accomplishments to feel better about our own. Some consider their lack of "success" to be a result of bad luck or lack of opportunity, though in reality, opportunities are all around us. Instead of waiting around for that "big break", we can continue to refine our craft while being open to different experiences and chances to grow.



For all the convenience and good the Internet and social media have brought about, the global gateway into slivers of everyone's lives has also made people more self-conscious than ever. While it’s normal to seek acceptance from our peers, caring too much about what they think can be detrimental to our self-esteem. At the end of the day, being true to ourselves is far more important than meeting the expectations of others.



We tend to judge ourselves by our intentions, and others by their actions. This makes it hard to identify our own mistakes as compared to someone else’s. As a community, we have to hold ourselves accountable for what we do instead of looking to blame another person. We can start by spending quiet time in self-reflection, identifying our blind spots and shortcomings. With enough self-awareness, we can be more mindful about our thoughts and actions, and recognise their impact on our everyday relationships and situations.
