Giving and Receiving: Strategic Giving and Investing in Women and Girls

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In conjunction with International Women’s Day in the month of March and the declaration of 2021 as the Year of Celebrating SG Women, the Lien Centre for Social Innovation (LCSI) together with the Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN) hosted an online conversation unpacking giving and receiving trends for women and girls’ initiatives. 

The panel explored trends and lessons from Asia and Southeast Asia and their applicability to other countries within these regions in the context of strategic giving and investing in women and girls’ initiatives. Is there relevance and applicability in other countries for similar initiatives to be carried out? What are the different motivating factors for funders in different countries - are they similar or different? What could trigger more support for women and girls initiatives? Check out the webinar clip below. 

*Do take note, due to the privacy of the participants, the clips from the breakout room will not be made available to the public. Thank you.

Video Url

For a summary of the webinar, check out this link for a recap of the main points of the event. 
